Mount Ararat RAM Elevations
18h March 2016
The good book informs us that the animals went into the Ark two by two, but at Mount Ararat RAM Lodge the candidates were three in number.
The candidates (from left to right) John Glover, Ron Pearson and Stuart Cunningham were admitted into the Lodge and presented to the WM,
Bill Goulden for the Elevation Ceremony.
Picture 1 DC WC & Candidates
The Senior Deacon of the Lodge, Lucas Kelly lead the procession, with one candidate by his side followed by the Junior Deacon, Glyn Jones with the second. An additional Acting Deacon Graham Corday brought up the rear with the third candidate.
The WC assisted by John Warminger (JW) and Alex Hammond (SW) delivered a good ceremony which was successfully staged by Lodge DC
Maurice Evans, who also presented The Working Tools and gave the explanation of The Nine Steps.
Picture 2 The Candidates
After the work in the lodge the Brethren made their way to the Dining Room where an excellent meal was waiting for them.
Any Mark Mason who wants to further his Masonic Career by joining this progressive RAM Lodge should contact the Scribe Frank Cooke on 01925 221597 or Special Rep Ken Alker on 01204 660135.

Atricle and Photographs Courtesy of Ken Alker